Say "YES" to the Dog!

  • by Tash Clark
  • 30 Aug, 2018

Why saying "No" may not be working to stop the unwanted behaviours...

Say Yes to the dog! Or why saying “No” may not be working.


One of my favourite walking places had security guards with dogs all summer. Apparently, they are there to prevent people from swimming in the lakes (although they are still there now and it’s not really an open water swimming weather anymore…). So, a couple of times a week, I would pull up by the Security Guard’s van, smile, make small talk about the weather and how he works too much (seriously the same guy was there for 3 weeks in a row with no breaks) and unload a bundle of three [very excited about the walkies] dogs next to the security guard’s van. I have to admit, one of them is still a puppy and she has the best Chewbacca impression [when she doesn’t get her way] on this side of the galaxy! Going past the security van with my jolly lot has resulted in security dogs barking (every single time), the security guy shouting “No”, the dogs stopping for a second or two (probably just drawing a deep breath) and the barking continued. Every. Single. Time.


Now, think about it from the dog’s prospective… I often hear “No” or “ah-ah” when we don’t want the dog to do something, but we don’t tell them what to do instead and what behaviour is desirable/acceptable in that situation.

“No” may stop the unwanted behaviour temporarily, as the dog gets startled, however it does not address the problem, as the dog is not given an alternative behaviour to do…


Let’s take a dog who jumps up at family members, when the dog wants something, at visitors, when they arrive into the house, at people that they meet on walks.

A lot of the time, when the dog jumps up, they try and get attention, so saying “No” in these circumstances is actually fulfilling the dog’s need for attention (negative attention is still attention). So, is the dog going to stop jumping up? Unlikely.


How about if we teach the dog to sit when they see a new person? Or even just four paws on the floor (and make that a very rewarding thing to do); is that going to stop the dog from jumping up? It is a lot more likely, if you put some work into it.


When one of my dogs does something I don’t want them to do, I always think “What do I want them to do instead?” and make that behaviour a lot more rewarding, like giving my adolescent terror (typo, I meant terrier) chicken for sitting, instead of humping my middle-aged Labrador…


The security dogs are still there and still barking, with the handler shouting “No” … Although he has added “Quiet!” to his repertoire.


If there are any behaviours that your dog does that you want to stop saying “No” to, please get in touch:

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The Puppy is out of the bag! Meet Napa, our new Stabyhoun puppy! She is coming home in September from an amazing breeder, who uses Puppy Culture protocols. If you want tips on how to select a good breeder, here is a blog I have written on it: Choosing a Breeder

There are so many very well marketed gadgets on the market, that it can be overwhelming for a new puppy guardian! Do I need this? Do I need this right now? With so much information out there and "stuff" available, I know it can be overwhelming, even for those who've had dogs/puppies before!

Please feel free to share your essentials or ask any questions! 

My essentials (I am getting these before puppy arrives):

🐾 Puppy playpen (so I can set up a safe area for the puppy downstairs - in the room where we will hang out the most)
🐾 Crates x2 (I prefer to have a crate downstairs for sleeping during daytime and one for upstairs for nighttime sleeping - next to my bed, so should the puppy wake up during the night, she is right next to me)
🐾 Light collar
🐾 Harness (my favourites are Perfect Fit and TTouch harnesses), I will buy them as close to the “coming home” date as possible and will ask the Breeder for guidance on the size
🐾 Lead - a flat (non extendable lead) at least 2 metres long - most leads sold in pet shops are way too short!
🐾 Food and water bowl (several water bowls in fact)
🐾 Toys - different textures and sizes - several long toys are a must to prevent puppy biting - I am hoping not to go crazy, as I have 4 dogs and bags and bags of toys, but I am not making any promises! 
🐾 Baby gates (I already have them on most doors), especially if you have a children’s play room where little Lego pieces live!
🐾 Dog training books - here are some suggestions: Easy Peasy Puppy Squeezy,   Perfect Puppy
🐾 Food - a good breeder will send you home with some good food. Here is a good resource to find the food with the best nutritional value that suits your budget: All About Dog Food
🐾 Puppy classes! Very important to book sooner rather than later - good classes get booked up weeks if not months in advance (we only have a couple of spots left for September start). Click here to book your puppy class with us Dogs Be Dogs Puppy Classes.
🐾 Vet - get your puppy registered with your vet of choice (asking friends/family who have dogs for a recommendations is a great starting point), as some of the amazing vets in your area may not be taking on new clients due to high demand

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